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Post Natal exercises focus on strengthening of weak muscles which mainly includes

1. Pelvic floor muscles
2. Abdominals

Pelvic floor muscles
Strengthening of pelvic floor muscles is extremely important in the post partum phase as these muscles becomes lax and weak due to stretching with vaginal delievery.Their weakness can lead to leakage of urine with coughing or frequent urge to pass urine.

Kegel Exercises
can be done for these muscles by squeezing the pelvic muscles as if trying to stop urine flow.The feeling is one of ‘squeeze and lift’. Hold it for 10seconds, release, rest for a few seconds and repeat 10 times. Practice it 3-5 times a day.

Avoid pulling in your tummy, squeezing your legs together, tightening your buttocks or holding your breath while doing kegel exercises.


Abdominal muscles like Rectus abdominis, Transverse abdominis and Obliques (External and Internal) also become lax after delivery. These needs to be strengthened for toning them up.
Following exercises can be one for this purpose.

1. Posterior Pelvic tilts- In crook lying position i. e. lying down with hip and knee flexed to 45 degrees and feet flat on the bed—Draw in your tummy and press lower part of your back into the bed to flatten your back. Hold this position for 5 -10 seconds, release and repeat 10 times.

2. Abdominal Curls- In crook lying position,lift your head and shoulders just to clear shoulder blades off the bed trying to reach towards your knees. Hold this position for 10 seconds, release and repeat 10 times.

3. Sit ups- This exercise can be done in advanced stages of strengthening.

4. Working for obliques- In crook lying position, lift your head and shoulders to reach with one hand towards opposite ankle. Repeat this with both sides.

5. One leg SLR( Straight Leg raising)-Raise between 30- 45 degrees for lower abdominals workout with other leg being flexed at hip and knee.

Note- Progression of these exercises must be guided by a Physical therapist depending on the the progress you have made.

Other important aspects

1. Maintaining good posture is very important- keep your back straight, stand tall with tummy tucked in and relaxed knees. Use good body mechanics while bending and getting out of bed so as not to stress your back.
2. Continue with prenatal breathing exercises and foot and ankle movements to improve your circulation.
3. Hip adductors isometrics is also a good exercise.


1.Consult with your doctor before starting any post natal exercise program. Every post natal exercise program vary depending on whether you have delivered vaginally or by C- section and how much you have recovered post delivery.
2.Stop exercise if it hurts, pains or if you are tired or unwell.
3.Keep yourself hydrated.

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