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Headache is a very common symptom experienced by 90% of the population at least once in their lifetime. There can be many causes of headache, out of which cervical headache is the one. Cervical headache originates in the neck or suboccipital region and radiates upwards in the head, more commonly in frontal, temporal and retro orbital region. It can be unilateral or bilateral and can be accompanied by nausea or lightheadedness. In benign cases, there are intermittent bouts of headache with painfree periods in between. It relates more commonly to sustained neck posture, postural stresses, degenerative joint disease or trauma. Accurate diagnosis of cervical headache is a must; it must be differentiated from tension headache and migraine. Often many treatment modalities have been recommended for its cure, physiotherapy is one such treatment for the same.

Gaining full range of painfree motion in the cervical region, with tonically active cervical muscles, deep neck flexors and scapular muscles is the goal of the physiotherapy treatment program. Postural correction is an important component of this program aimed at efficient recruitment of the postural stabilizers and decreasing the activity in other muscles like levator scapulae.




    1. About 55% of our total calorie intake per day should come from carbohydrates and
      1gm of carbohydrate gives 4
    2. Complex carbohydrates
      i.e. starchy food helps in staving off hunger pangs. They include Breads,
      cereals, oatmeal, noodles, rice, millet, pasta and crackers
    3. Fibre is a detox ingredient,
      curbs craving for snacks, decreases risk of blood sugar and cancer, decreases
      cholesterol levels and keeps gut
    4. Increase fiber intake
      with fluids to let them pass the gut more
    5. High fibre food-At least
      6gms fibre/100gms.
    6. Take at least
      2-5 servings of fruit per day.
    7. For weight loss, decrease intake of starchy vegetables and
    8. Cheese and peanuts
      decrease acid on out teeth’s. Acid levels are increased by
    9. Milk
      and cheese provides protection against
    10. Lemon, oranges and lime
      contribute to erosion of teeth enamel.


Regular exercise (at least three times per week) during pregnancy is extremely beneficial as exercise leads to potentially easier pregnancy and labour, improves cardiovascular fitness, decrease risk of gestational diabetes and promotes faster recovery from labour. It also helps in prevention of low back pain during pregnancy and weight gain. It also counteracts the post partum depression.
But certain precautions are to be taken care of while doing exercise in pregnancy like-

  1. Avoid any vigorous exercise in hot and humid weather or during a period of febrile illness.
  2. Avoid jerky, bouncy motions.
  3. Exercise should be done on a wooden floor or tightly carpeted surface to reduce shock and provide a sure footing.
  4. Exercise should include a five minute warm up period of muscle warm up and should follow a cool down period at the end of exercise session.
  5. Maintain adequate hydration levels during exercise.
  6. Ensure proper body mechanics of posture and lifting.
  7. After first trimester of pregnancy, avoid exercise in supine or back lying position.
  8. Women with a history of sedentary lifestyle should begin with low intensity exercises and progress gradually.


    · Leg sliding exercises.
    · Pelvic tilts
    Postural exercises
    · Stretching at various joints of the body.
    · Modified upper and lower limb strengthening exercises.
    Pelvic floor exercises
    · Kegel exercises
    · Pelvic clock exercises
    Breathing exercises
    · Diaphragmatic and abdominal breathing.

    Before starting any exercise program it’s important to get permission from your doctor to rule out any CONTRAINDICATIONS

    WARNIG SIGNS to stop exercise-
    · Shortness of breath
    · Dizziness
    · Headache
    · Calf swelling
    · Chest pain
    · Bleeding/Amniotic fluid leakage.
    · Unusual abdominal, back or pubic pain